Path Into The Unknown....
"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is"~German Proverb The past few weeks have been challenging due to the fact that our assignment was to willingly ask people for their opinions on what type of character they could see us portraying. The challenging part is having to be completely open and receptive to whatever may come our way, which I must admit caused some discomfort. From years before, going back to high school and college acting projects, I've always been cast as a bad guy and more specifically one that is written off in a double cross type of situation. Twice I've portrayed a drug kingpin or mastermind who is killed by being in too deep. Most roles from people that knew me were somewhere along those serious roles: a mobster, a politician, a soldier, a Chuck Norris type of hero, an FBI agent. The part that was even harder was asking complete strangers out of the blue. Maybe it was because of the change in appearance (clean shaven, fresh haircut) or the mo...